T-SQL Bitwise Matching Logic – #TSQL2sDay


A good friend of mine Rick Kruger (@DataOgre|blog) is hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday Blog party. The T-SQL Tuesday Blog parties were started by Adam Machanic (@AdamMachanic|blog) back in December of 2009. This month’s topic is on Rube Goldberg Machines. Rick asked us to look through our closets to dig up a skeleton, something that we made T-SQL do, which might make other DBA’s cringe a bit. After hearing this, I knew exactly what I was going to blog about.

Bitwise Matching!

I remember when I implemented this feature and shook my head when I came up with the idea of using bitwise matching. The requirements I was given was to match two entities based on assigned lookup values. This would not have been that bad, except the lookup values were not static, they were dynamically entered through a web UI. When I first pitched the idea I used a dating site as a way to explain the logic, so in this blog post I will use that same concept.


Within a dating site one person is matched to another based on activities they both enjoy. Activities can be grouped into different categories. In this example we have two different categories; Exercise and Things to do. People must have at least one matching activity in each category to be a match. We are going to try to match Bob with another person.

People and their activities

  • Bob enjoys Walking, Biking, and Camping.
  • Sally enjoys Walking and Biking
  • Nancy enjoys Camping
  • Beth enjoys Walking, Running, Golfing, and Camping.

The following T-SQL implements a few temporary tables we will use to implement the bitwise matching logic.

-- Create the People that can be matched.
   PersonID smallint
 , Name nvarchar(25));
VALUES   (1, N'Bob'), (2, N'Sally'), (3, N'Nancy'), (4, N'Beth');
-- Create the Activities that people may have in common.
CREATE TABLE #Activities (
   ActivityID smallint
 , Activity nvarchar(25)
 , CategoryID smallint);
INSERT   INTO #Activities
         (Activity, CategoryID)
VALUES   (1, N'Walking', 1), (2, N'Biking', 1), (3, N'Running', 1), (4, N'Yoga', 1),        
	 (5, N'Movies', 2), (6, N'Golf', 2), (7, N'Camping', 2);
-- Create the Weak Entity Table to store the Persons Activities.
CREATE TABLE #PersonActivities (
   ActivityID smallint
 , PersonID smallint);
INSERT   INTO #PersonActivities
         (PersonID, ActivityID)
VALUES   (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 7),
         (2, 1),(2, 2),
         (3, 7),
         (4, 1),(4, 3),(4, 6),(4, 7);

Bitwise Logic

Using the activities we can assign a bitwise value based on the identity and category.

Activity Activity ID Category ID Bitwise Value
Walking 1 1 21 = 2
Biking 2 1 22 = 4
Running 3 1 23 = 8
Yoga 4 1 24 = 16
Movies 1 2 21 = 2
Golf 2 2 22 = 4
Camping 3 2 23 = 8

If we summarize the bitwise values we can use the binary and operator (&) to determine if any matches exist. Example:

Summed Bitwise Value 23 22 21 20
6 = 0 1 1 0
12 = 1 1 0 0
4 = 0 1 0 0

The value of 6 represents Walking and Biking, the value of 12 represents Biking and Running. The intersection of the two is Biking, this would be the matched value of 4. Being that we have a matched value, the result is greater than 0. Using this logic we can implement the following query.

WITH  PeopleSums
        AS (
            SELECT   p.Name
                   , p.PersonID
                   , a.CategoryID
                   , BitWiseSum = SUM(POWER(2, pa.ActivityID))
            FROM     #Person p
            JOIN     #PersonActivities pa ON p.PersonID = pa.PersonID
            JOIN     #Activities a ON a.ActivityID = pa.ActivityID
            GROUP BY p.Name
                   , p.PersonID
                   , a.CategoryID
   SELECT   ps2.Name
   FROM     PeopleSums ps
   JOIN     PeopleSums ps2 ON ps.PersonID != ps2.PersonID
                              AND ps.BitWiseSum & ps2.BitWiseSum <> 0
                              AND ps.CategoryID = ps2.CategoryID
   WHERE    ps.Name = 'Bob'
   GROUP BY ps.Name
          , ps2.Name
   HAVING   COUNT(*) = 2;

This query uses a CTE to calculate and then summarize the bitwise values, grouped by person and category. We then self-reference the CTE using the binary AND operator (&) where the result is anything but zero. This concept can show us who Bob matches, we can use the table below to illustrate this.

Persons that Match Bob Category 1 Category 2
Sally Walking, Biking
Nancy Camping
Sally Walking Camping

To make sure that we have a match for each category, we do a count and ensure that it matches the number of categories we currently have. And voila Beth is a match for Bob, because Beth is the only candidate that had matches in both categories.

T-SQL Tuesday #39 – Can you shell what the PoSH is Cooking?


Wayne Sheffield (blog | @DBAWayne) invited me to a party, and anyone that knows me, knows I love a good party. This month’s party is all about how we have integrated Posh into our SQL lives. Thank you Wayne for hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesdays #39 Can you shell what the PoSH is Cooking?

I have to admit that I am relatively new to PowerShell and all its functionality, however I have quickly learned the power of such a tool.

Before this party started (T-SQL Tuesday #39), I was tasked with creating a process to upload reports to Reporting Services. This process had to be repeatable, automatic, and configurable. My initial suggestion was to just upload each report to the necessary folders, however that still includes the human factor, so repeat-ability is out. After digging around on the inter-webs I came across examples of SSRS report push using a Web Services Proxy. After a few modifications, I was able to use a couple Cmdlets and the Web Services method to upload reports. In this blog post I am going to show how to use Powershell v2.0 Cmdlets and Proxy calls for uploading SSRS reports to a Reporting Services Web Server.

The following example demonstrates how to upload a report (RDL file) and load the report to appropriate folder using the Reporting Services Web Services.

$SSRSService = "http://localhost/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx"
$SSRSReport = "C:\Dev\SSRSReport.rdl"
$SSRSNameWithoutExtension = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($SSRSReport);
$SSRSPath = "/"
Write-Output "Reporting Services Server: $ReportingServices"
$SSRSProxyObject = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $SSRSService -UseDefaultCredential 
Write-Output "Converting $SSRSReport to a byte array"
$ByteArray = Get-Content $SSRSReport -Encoding byte     
Write-Output "SSRS Report Name: $SSRSNameWithoutExtension "
$SSRSProxyObject.CreateReport($SSRSNameWithoutExtension, $SSRSPath, $true, $ByteArray, $null)

The key PowerShell statements are:

New-WebServiceProxy (Cmdlet)

The New-WebServiceProxy Cmdlet is used for creating a web services proxy object. We will use this to create a proxy object from our Reporting Services Servers Web Services.
New-WebServiceProxy Cmdlet

$SSRSProxyObject = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $SSRSService -UseDefaultCredential

Get-Content (Cmdlet)

We will use the Get-Content Cmdlet to get the byte array representation of the RDL file.
Get-Content for FileSystem Cmdlet

$ByteArray = Get-Content $SSRSReport -Encoding byte

CreateReport (SSRS Web-Service Call)

After we have our Reporting Services Proxy object, we can use it to call a CreateReport() method, which uploads the report to your selected $SSRSPath.
ReportingService2005.CreateReport Method

$SSRSProxyObject.CreateReport($SSRSNameWithoutExtension, $SSRSPath, $true, $ByteArray, $null)

T-SQL Tuesday #32 – A Day in the Life

Thank you to Erin Stellato ( b | t ) for providing this month’s topic, where we were asked to track what we did on Wednesday, July 11th.

Database Developer

Overall I had a pretty normal day in the life of a database developer. My day started around 7:00 am with reviewing tasks and bugs that are assigned to me in TFS (Team Foundation Server), followed by replying to emails. Then getting re-acquainted with where I left myself from the previous night in Management Studio. T-SQL Tuesday

Around 9:00 AM a QA resource presented a bug where a stored procedure was not copying data between tables. What I found was an additional step was added to an insert stored procedure that was attempting to short circuit functionality, when it found a like match. This procedure was working so good, that it only inserted one record… ever… It turned out to be an issue where two columns made up the unique key, and the second column was missing from this check. I added the missing column into the stored procedure to put it back in  business.

Shortly after 10:30 AM, and a quick scrum meeting, I started training another DBA resource on a few stored procedures that I had previously written. This DBA had been tasked with adding  functionality to support new business objectives. Around this same time I worked with an application developer to add functionality in another stored procedure to meet middle tier requirements.

After/during a quick lunch at my desk, I began to review a massive business objective which would eventually output to a Reporting Services Report. This was short lived, when a QA resource discussed an issue with performance of an SSIS Package used to move dimensional data into a Data Mart.

Around 1:00 PM this performance bug was prioritized as critical and I spent the remainder of my day working on a fix. The problem I found in the SSIS package was the shear volume of data coupled with the number calls to an insert stored procedure via an OLE DB Command Transformation. After a couple tweaks to a stored procedure, and a couple new tasks in the SSIS package, performance was significantly improved.

It was now 6:00 PM and time to wrap up my work for today, however the day was not over yet, now it was time to get some dinner and talk SQL Saturday. Rick Krueger ( b | t ) and I will be co-presenting at both SQL Saturday #159 Kansas City and SQL Saturday #161 Iowa City. Rick and I worked on: networking strategies, presentation content, and changing our abstract to get accepted in MN.

After I got home, I decided to review an article that I found on SQL Server Central, which is relevant to our presentations. http://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/2722/sql-server-report-server-2008-r2-execution-log-reports/. Great post from Scott Murray ( b | t )